Screening Shading

Working hand-in-hand with worldwide screening specialists, HSL offers a central point of contact for all screening and shading needs. 


Horticultural Solutions Limited supplies energy screens, for roof and exterior walls, and shading screens to reduce solar radiation which can be dangerous for some plants.

     Working in partnership with our experienced team of installers, screens are carefully constructed, tested and put into operation - always perfectly suited to your needs, and always reliable.

     Although the importance of light should never be underestimated, in certain crops darkness is essential too, controlling the intensity of direct sun with a greenhouse shade screen. Shading systems also can help to save energy in the glasshouse and to control photoperiod. Screens may be installed on a  moveable slide system in order to open and close them, depending on the outside weather conditions and the needs of the crop.

     HSL has overseen installations of large-scale shading and screening throughout the UK and Ireland for universities, garden centres, commercial nurseries and private establishments. Our installations include Plant Raisers Ltd, Leicester University, Southampton University, along with major projects in Durham and Dublin.


+44 01482 665449

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